
iluso, 2023 oeuvre, performance, sculptures
«envido, 2021» installations , repairing the site, if you want to see all the pictures of each item, please refresh the page or choose pc-view in your device, performance
«graffiti Marruecos» , 2010 performance, projets
«Desafío Español», 2010 performance, projets
VIS A VIS II, 2009 installations , repairing the site, if you want to see all the pictures of each item, please refresh the page or choose pc-view in your device, performance
manif-speaker. 2009 performance
mi mamá me mima, 2009 performance, projets
yo, tú, él, nosotros…. 2005 installations , repairing the site, if you want to see all the pictures of each item, please refresh the page or choose pc-view in your device, performance, sculptures
frente al espejo, 2004 installations , repairing the site, if you want to see all the pictures of each item, please refresh the page or choose pc-view in your device, performance
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